Jinan · Huanghe Town "two districts built together"



Huanghe Town -- beautiful community

Resettlement community construction investment of 5 billion yuan. Two new rural communities have been built, resettling 70 villages with a population of 52,000, including the relocation of beach areas in 21 villages, which has greatly improved the working and living environment of farmers. After the completion of the project, more than 14,000 mu of land will be reclaimed, and the balance of construction land will be 11,500 mu.

Yellow River - industry import | precision poverty alleviation

Industrial park construction investment of 1 billion. Through agricultural breeding, rural tourism, development of rural complex, deep processing of agricultural products, cultural industry and promotion of local leading industries, the backward mode of production in rural areas is changed, the income level of farmers is improved, and targeted poverty alleviation is achieved in a real sense.

Yellow River - tertiary industry linkage | new urbanization


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