Leyu Town, a new town of "three excellent and three guaranteed" -- a modern Jiangnan water town in Leyu, Suzhou

Leyu Town, Zhangjiagang City, Suzhou is the provincial center town. The project plans four functions of "ecological livable community", "modern efficient agriculture", "green energy industry" and "rural tourism town" to set sail simultaneously, and make full use of the advantages of regional transportation, ecological environment, local culture and other resources to build a new modern demonstration town in the South of the Yangtze River.



The project integrates ecological civilization, cultural innovation, modern agriculture, leisure tourism and pastoral community as one of the characteristics of the town and rural comprehensive development model, is under the urban-rural integration pattern, in line with the rural supply-side structural reform, the development of new industries, combined with the reform of rural property rights system. A sustainable model of rural modernization, new urbanization and comprehensive social and economic development in China will lead the way for rural revitalization.

Project under contract


Project relocation and resettlement15A village,15294 households,Total building area3.75 million square meters,The total investment21.8 billion yuan,Land balance index after completion of the project12000 mu,Indicators of cultivated land added to production4000mu

The country's first whole town rural revitalization project

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